Díospóireacht roimh an toghchán: Dúradh le Suprun cén deoch a chabhróidh agus a dhéanfaidh dochar d’iomaitheoirí

On the eve of the debate between presidential candidates, Ulyana Suprun, acting Minister of Health, gave important advice to the participants. 

In particular, Ms. Ulyana told what drink will help to feel good at the debate: “Drink water. Our branded advice is especially important when your mouth is dry and sweat is running down your back – that’s how adrenaline works, ”she said.

And here is what Ulyana Suprun advised to give up, so it is from alcohol: “Alcohol really relieves anxiety in the short term, and can even improve the ability to speak foreign languages. But, first, there is no safe dose of alcohol. Secondly, intoxication can confuse language and thoughts even more, and as soon as the alcohol content drops, the anxiety will increase even more. ” 


Ms. Suprun also gave some important advice. Here they are

Start with the right posture

Raise your shoulders and bring them back, lower your shoulders. Open your chest, but stay relaxed. The neck should be straight – so nothing will squeeze the vocal cords.

Because of the nervousness, the ligaments can be tense. There is a good exercise to relax them: yawn loudly for a few minutes. Then put your hand on your chest and say “hammmmm” lower and lower – you should feel rejection. Do these exercises regularly and you will be able to speak in a lower than before voice with overtones.

Master the fear

Yes, tens or even thousands of people are looking at you – and you try to imagine that they just got up in their pajamas. All sleepy, uncombed, and you are so fresh, clear in your head, now tell them. Nothing bad will happen to you – realize this. Public speaking is safe for health and life.

Find the fulcrum

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a microphone, presentation plan cards, a clicker to switch slides, and more. If you wave your arms or do not know where to put them, your anxiety will only increase.

Another point of support is the eyes of the people you are addressing

Do not hide your eyes, do not look into the void. It is the visual contact that will help you keep your attention and get feedback: whether you are understood, whether the person is interested in How long he agrees with you or is ready to object. Of course, in a stadium or concert hall it is difficult to capture the eyes of the audience. But, as a rule, public performances take place in a more intimate atmosphere.

Be on topic

The better we orient ourselves in the topic we are going to talk about, the more confident we feel during the speech. Think about the questions you may be asked and what you will answer. When speaking, think about the topic, not the audience.

Don’t be afraid to pause

They seem like an eternity to you, and the listeners may not notice. Even if you forgot a word or lost your mind, try to find a clue in the presentation, cards with a plan, or make a joke. Imagine in advance what you would do if all of a sudden things went wrong?


If it is a speech – write its plan, text, and several times tell the mirror, loved ones or shoot it on video. If it’s a discussion, a live broadcast on radio or television, or even a debate, look for practices. The more you train, the better you choose concise and clear impromptu answers. 

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